North by Sound | Audio Productions |

We have written a lot of music over the years for a lot of different projects. We have selected a few tracks from our huge collection to present to you here.

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Info: Tracks marked as LOOPS are songs that are intended to repeat over and over again in a game. The online player does not support this, so these tracks will end abruptly.

Taste of India 1

Island Melancholy

Tropical Puzzles

King Tut (LOOP)


  • We strive to deliver music that is personal, heartfelt and will leave a memorable impression on your audience.
  • We are 100% dedicated to your project.
  • We love what we do - and it shows.
  • We are versatile. Name a style and you'll get it.
  • We don't aim to be like all the others. We get inspired by others, but we don't want to sound like them.